[Amps] Relay Contact Bounce

skipp isaham nospam4me at juno.com
Wed Jun 4 20:06:32 EDT 2003

True, but in my opinion the bouncing doesn't stop as 
fast as people are reporting here. I consider the 
4mS value more realistic based on my actual 
measured examples. 
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 2 <2 at dock.net>
**  all contacts - except mercury-wetted contacts - bounce.

>--------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: 2 <2 at vc.net>
>**  Using 120VDC, and a series-R to limit I to 80mA, a 26v HC-1 or RJ1A 
>will make and stop bouncing its NO contacts in 1.8mS.  Using a 26v PS, 
>the measured speeds were 6 - 7 mS.  

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