[Amps] SELL: Collins 30S1 RF Deck Component Package

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Fri Jun 6 08:58:49 EDT 2003

Offering the RF deck  cabinet  component  of the Collins 30S1 linear
amplifier for inventory spare parts or for the basis of a quality
homebrew amplifier project. The package includes  the hinged  top and
back cover, front panel (no meters) with escutcheons (clean), complete 
band switch 
with all coils (no rf burn marks), all plate and tune capacitors
harnessed to the two numbered drums and fully functional from the 
tensioned drive shafts
on the inside front panel,  multi-meter switch, power on/off push
buttons, toggles, and partial wiring  harness. The angular plate
supporting the 
OEM tube socket has been cut away to make room for a planned (aborted) 
hole  GS35B retrofit. The tank circuit components are all in place and in
A-OK condition. 
Cabinet is clean, original paint, with no bangs, dents,
scratches, or dings. $375+shipping  from zip 18426. Pickup  in the
Scranton, PA or New York City  areas.  Ron W2CQM/3

Note! With the exception of the knobs (I have to find them) which will be
included gratuitously,  only those parts enumerated are included in the
package offered. There are no other inventory components. 

Epilogue: visit  www.QRZ.COM/W2CQM for a listing of the  most recent
articles authored by  W2CQM.

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