[Amps] QRO Components

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 17 16:10:23 EDT 2003

KW Components:
I’m forced to downsize my storage space radically and reluctantly, have to 
move my long time accumulated QRO components….So here goes:
Pictures avail on request

HV Power supply; 2.4 KV, Metered,  Voltage, Current
Dual Primary HV transformer;  10" tall Rack Cabinet
Approx 100 lbs

HV Supply; Heathkit, Circa 1959+-
Complete,  dual primaries,  3KV out, Choke input, heavy

Chassis, KW Amp, est 14 x 12 x 3  2 Ceramic 3-500Z sockets
Most Components for Pair of 4-400A Home Brew Amp

Vacuum Variables  All HI-Pot Tested :
1500PF    5KV With chassis bracket
350PF	5KV; Chassis Bracket

Air Variables:  Cardwell, EF Johnson, Hammarlund
Many..Tune, Load, KW level size
Small to large capacity; 50pf   to 1500 pf

Ceramic RF HV blocking/padder caps:
Misc; HV, High  Current

Rotary Inductor/Capacitor Turns counters:
3 ea.

Rotary Inductor:
14uH   extremely heavy duty  3.5” dia, 4 TPI Pitch;  Tapered to 2.5 TPI at 
Heavy Silver plated Square (1/8x 1/8”) x-section conductor
High Current, silver sliding multiple contacts, Silver plated frame;
Insulated front shaft, Turns Counter.

Plate Chokes:
National, Other, Various

Westinghouse, 120V 15A continuous;  Big Knob, 2ea
(Look like props from a Frankenstein Movie!)
Smaller Various, 1KW  120V,  3 ea
Small, 200W for Filament.

Fil Transformers:

1ea;  5V sealed, mil spec, rated 28A and  used for 4-400A Pair

1ea 5v 30A

2 ea 813, used
2 ea  4-400A used, tested

Tube Plate cap heat dissipators:
Aluminum:  Horiz fins abt 2" tall, typ seen on 4-1000A

Brass horiz finned, varied, typ for 4-400A/3-500Z

Make offers: Pictures available.
Monterey Area, California

Pat   aa6eg at hotmail.com

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