[Amps] electronic switching

DF3KV at aol.com DF3KV at aol.com
Sat Jun 21 14:34:19 EDT 2003

K4TAX wrote:

>I use a pin diode switch at the antenna to switch the pre-amp in and out
>during TX and RX cycles.  I supply RF (lots of it) and 12VDC.    This is in
>a 50 ohm VHF circuit running "legal limit" so to speak.  The preamp has a nf
>of something like 0.3dB and a gain of 20 dB.
>I don't see the problem or concern in a 50 ohm application.  As to switching
>at a PA Z.......forget it.

Leif,SM5BSZ switches his highpower EME-amp with



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