[Amps] Dubus and Ham Radio Magazine

skipp isaham nospam4me at juno.com
Sun Jun 29 21:53:17 EDT 2003

re: Dubus Magazine 
Hello again, 
A quick story and some great information. 
I was very sorry to see the end of Ham Radio Magazine. It 
was IMO by far the best Amateur Radio Technical Monthly. 
Since the demise of HR, I've not found much available 
in meaty Amateur Technical Journals... until this last 
May. While at the Weak Signal / VHF and above Dinner 
in/at Dayton, someone threw extra print copies of Dubus 
Magazine on the counter for people to pick up. 
Dubus is an international effort of VHF and above 
people, the magazine is a breath of fresh air. Much 
of the articles are well described projects. 
If you've been going through Ham Radio Mag 
withdrawals, check out Dubus. 
Also... a shameless request on my part to locate 
any spare or extra copies of Technik, I only have 
issue 3 and would like to buy/find/beg/borrow 
or trade for any other issue you might want to 
part with.  Technik is part of Dubus... 
Thanks, I encourage everyone to check out Dubus, 
might be your cup of technical tea. I'm sorry to 
be such a late arrival on the Dubus scene, but 
better late than never. 
nospam4me at juno.com 

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