[Amps] Amps Reflector

J. Leon Pringle, Jr and Audrey S. Pringle pringle50 at comcast.net
Sun Mar 2 11:44:57 EST 2003

BlankThis reflector has been very helpful in the past to a broad spectrum of amateurs and particularly those interested in Amplifiers.

I'm beginning to wonder if my eyes are deceiving me or if we have a couple long time radio amateurs on here acting like children.

There seems to be two who apparently go out of their way to prove the other knows nothing or that they are expert and the other is foolish.  It seems to get to the point that one accuses the other of knowingly distorting facts to support their respective position on whatever is in dispute between them at the time.  When one or the other disappear from the reflector for awhile for whatever reasons, the reflector seems to provide an excellent avenue for discussion of amplifier issues.

I respectively call upon the two individuals (and they as well as all other posters should know who they are) to cease acting like children and act like mature adults and long time holders of an amateur radio license.  This constant bickering between the two involved certainly doesn't reflect the attitudes of the majority of the various "Elmers" that helped all of us along in amateur radio..

My apology to all posters for bringing this up but it's getting rather old.

J. Leon Pringle, Jr   W 5 N A 

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