[Amps] Mistakes

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue Mar 4 17:37:47 EST 2003

rlm wrote:
>>The most unfortunate thing in all of this is the amateur radio fraternity
>>has been receiving (and some people actually believe) incorrect technical
>>information that is supported by false claims and fabricated stories! All of
>>it originated by one person!
>Tom's Correct Technical Information:
>1.  Dipmeter's can't find VHF resonances.
>2.  Ni-Cr alloys have less RF resistance as frequency decreases.
>3.  AC circuit analysis doesn't work with parasite suppressors.
>4.  Feedback C can always be safely ignored in HF amplifiers.
>5.  Overdriving a 3-500Z can produce 10,000v at the input of a 4k-ohm 
>to 50-ohm Pi-network with a 50-ohm termination.  (12.5kW pep)
Rich, we're getting this stuff several times a day from you. Please 

You keep changing what you say he said, so whatever he once might 
*really* have said has gone way beyond being interesting to the rest of 

It is perfectly conceivable that Tom has written things that didn't come 
out right, and that he really mean. But I'm certainly not singling-out 
one person here. You do the same - often. So do I - often. And so does 
just about everyone who contributes frequently here.

There are many different theories about why we make mistakes. I'm sure 
there must be psychologists who blame them all on parasitic 
oscillations. Me, I blame all mine on gas.

73 from Ian G3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
                            Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'

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