[Amps] Mistakes

rlm 2 at vc.net
Tue Mar 4 12:06:52 EST 2003

>rlm wrote:
>>>The most unfortunate thing in all of this is the amateur radio fraternity
>>>has been receiving (and some people actually believe) incorrect technical
>>>information that is supported by false claims and fabricated stories! All of
>>>it originated by one person!
>>Tom's Correct Technical Information:
>>1.  Dipmeter's can't find VHF resonances.
>>2.  Ni-Cr alloys have less RF resistance as frequency decreases.
>>3.  AC circuit analysis doesn't work with parasite suppressors.
>>4.  Feedback C can always be safely ignored in HF amplifiers.
>>5.  Overdriving a 3-500Z can produce 10,000v at the input of a 4k-ohm 
>>to 50-ohm Pi-network with a 50-ohm termination.  (12.5kW pep)
>Rich, we're getting this stuff several times a day from you. Please 

So kvetch to the moderator.  This is like going to a boxing match and 
complaining because people keep hitting each other.  
>You keep changing what you say he said, 

I have a library of Rauchian utterances.  Would you like some quotes?

>so whatever he once might 
>*really* have said has gone way beyond being interesting to the rest of us.

You were elected official spokesperson?
>It is perfectly conceivable that Tom has written things that didn't come 
>out right, and that he really mean. But I'm certainly not singling-out 
>one person here. You do the same - often. So do I - often. And so does 
>just about everyone who contributes frequently here.
>There are many different theories about why we make mistakes. I'm sure 
>there must be psychologists who blame them all on parasitic 

Now there's a new angle.

>Me, I blame all mine on gas.

I've tested tubes with gas but not the disappearing variety.
have phun, Ian

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 

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