[Amps] 4CX1600B vs. GU84B

Jeff Maass jmaass at columbus.rr.com
Sat Mar 8 07:12:58 EST 2003

My club has, courtesy of Ten Tec,  a Ten Tec Titan II, which uses 
the Svetlana 4CX1600B. This tube has become expensive and 
scarce, and we are looking for an affordable spare 4CX1600B, or 
an affordable alternative.

I've seen some references that identify the Svetlana GU84B as 
being the military analog, with a bit more dissipation rating, but 
needing more cooling air.

Are they pin compatible? Can the GU84B be used in a 4CX1600B 
amp without (or with) modifications?

Anyone have a 4CX1600B at a reasonable price, or know of one?

 Jeff Maass       jmaass at columbus.rr.com     Located near Columbus Ohio
         USPSA # L-1192       NROI/CRO    Amateur Radio K8ND
Maass' IPSC Resources:  http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/index.html
Circleville USPSA/IPSC: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/pcsiipsc.htm

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