[Amps] Ameritron AL-80B - Alternative?

Vic Rosenthal vic at rakefet.com
Sat Mar 8 22:18:08 EST 2003

Rod Elliott wrote:
> Five months ago I bought a new Ameritron AL-80B/X (/X=the export version:
> 240-volts with 12 and 10m enabled). Unfortunately, so far, two 3-500Z’s
> (Amperex) have failed with grid-filament shorts.

I think the AL80B is a decent amplifier design; I do not believe there is either
an inrush or parasitic problem.  And it may be the only game in town at this
price point for a new amplifier.  I suspect tube problems (it's quite common to
get a run of bad tubes).  I would try an RF Parts brand 3-500Z

An excellent 1 KW amp is the Acom 1000.  But the price is much higher than the
AL-80B.  <http://www.hfpower.com/>.

Good luck

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