[Amps] Mailing list for parasitic osciallations.

rlm 2 at vc.net
Thu Mar 13 16:31:55 EST 2003

>rlm wrote:
>>>We could program a server to just dump
>>>the archives to the list every six months and you could not tell the
>>**  Not quite.  In December, 1996, just before Wes, N7WS, measured 
>>various parasitic suppressors on the bench with a HP Model 4191A RF 
>>Impedance Analyzer, the method was hailed as a benchmark by both sides 
>>of the issue.
>So it was. We all believed that Wes's measurements on the suppressors 
>would answer all the questions.
>But during the debate that followed, we found out that it isn't as 
>simple as we'd believed.
>There is no way to evaluate the performance of a suppressor without also 
>knowing a few things about the amp in which it will be installed: the L 
>and C of the VHF parasitic resonant circuit (or more practically, C and 
>the resonant frequency).
>Without that extra information about the amp, you cannot work out the 
>damping resistance 

**  Rp is more like an equivalent Shunt VHF load at the anode resonant 

>that the suppressor will place across the tube, at 
>the parasitic frequency. In other words, you cannot determine the 
>effectiveness of a suppressor by making measurements on the suppressor 
**  Quite true, Ian.  However, since 2, 3-500Z  HF amps typically have 
anode resonances of 95MHz to 120MHz, Wes' measurements at 100MHz were not 
>> Now that Eric has proposed an encore measurement, Mr. Rauch says it's 
>>really and truly a bad idea because we need to be looking at "the 
>>system".  However, a Z-analyzer rather obviously can't be used to 
>>evaluate a system since it evaluates individual lumps of R-C-L, so the 
>>system arguement appears to be another ploy.
>The need to know about the "system" - the suppressor *and* the amp in 
>which it will be used - is not a ploy. It's that thing we learned, the 
>last time we tried this game.

**  The amplifier system includes the power supplies.  What do they have 
to do with VHF?
>"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
>-George Santayana, 1863-1953, American philosopher
**    "Unlearned in history, they allow themselves to be governed by the 
Unknown Past." --   Historian John Acton  (1834-1902)

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 

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