[Amps] Mailing list for parasitic osciallations.
2 at vc.net
Fri Mar 14 09:03:07 EST 2003
>Patrick Riggins wrote:
>> I think what the good Doctor is hinting at is why not take this
>> discussion to email? I enjoy reading the technical points, but when it
>> degenerates to name-calling and insults, does that really add to the
>> list?
>> I have seen this topic raise its head over and over but I always
>> read the same things each time.
>Yep, that is very true.
** Agreed. One camp seems to understand how impedance can be found by
solving for admittance. The other camp seemingly does not, so they label
the process voodoo.
>> We could program a server to just dump
>> the archives to the list every six months and you could not tell the
>> difference.
>Yes, that is very true.
>> I am no where near technically qualified to make many posts.
>Nor are most people. Not wishing to sound boastful, but:
>a) I have a first degree in electrical and electronic engineering.
>b) A masters degree in microwaves and opto electronics.
>c) A PhD in Medical Physics, which was highly electronics based.
>d) I'm a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers (MIEE)
>e) I'm Chartered Engineer (CEng)
>f) Have built several VHF+UHF amps (not HF I admit).
** The VHF and UHF amplifiers I built had no surprises. The MF/HF
amplifiers did.
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K,
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