[Amps] pi-net tanks

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Sat Mar 15 06:51:15 EST 2003

Rich said:

"However, was it serendippity or good engineering practice by someone who
had taken a course in AC circuit-analysis?"

Rich, on numerous occasions, you have argued that someone a certain
individual not be believed because he had not taken a course in AC
circuit-analysis.  I find this a trivial statement.  The only purpose is to
insult that individual and attempt to discredit him, and make it easier to
sell your position.

To my knowledge, neither Hertz nor Tesla took courses in AC
circuit-analysis.  Does that mean that we should strike their works from the
history books?  Does it mean that we should believe someone who took this
particular course because a pretty red head woman took it, over someone else
who learned it on his own?

I do not have a degree in electrical engineering - but I have a doctorate.
That implies I can think.  I have never taken a course in photography, but
worked along side Ansel Adams.  Should I throw my photographs out?

Whether someone has knowledge in a particular field has almost nothing to do
with taking a course in school.  And, if that is your best argument as to
why that person should not be believed, then I will assume you have a pretty
weak case.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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