[Amps] EUREKA!!!!

TimNebo at aol.com TimNebo at aol.com
Sun Mar 16 15:10:05 EST 2003


In a message dated 3/16/03 9:44:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, n1rj at pivot.net 

> While browsing the web to find instances of CB interference, I
> happened upon what I believe to be the Rosetta Stone in my
> campaign to rid the country of the Godless CB hordes!
> President Clinton (bless his philandering heart) signed into
> law an amendment to the Communications Act of 1934 which reads
> as follows:
> Section 302 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 302a) is
> amended by adding at the end the following: 
> `(f)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a State or local
> government may enact a statute or ordinance that prohibits a
> violation of the following regulations of the Commission under
> this section:
> `(A) A regulation that prohibits a use of citizens band radio
> equipment not authorized by the Commission. 
> `(B) A regulation that prohibits the unauthorized operation of
> citizens band radio equipment on a frequency between 24 MHz and
> 35 MHz.
> This amendment does NOT affect licensed uses of the spectrum!
> Just think, no more waiting for the FCC to take action! Just drop
> a dime and the local police can sieze the illegal CB equipment,
> arrest the offender and put his interference causing butt in jail!
> I will immediately start making sure my state has such a law on
> the books.

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