[Amps] Membership

Gary Schafer garyschafer at attbi.com
Sun Mar 16 16:42:50 EST 2003

Roger D. Johnson wrote:
>  When I joined this list years ago, I had the mistaken impression
> it was for hams to help each other by sharing their knowlege. It
> has recently come to my attention that some members are from the
> illegal CB amplifier crowd and are here to glean knowlege in
> furtherance of their illegal activities. 

Shall we burn all the books that have reference to amplifier building too?

As their venom filled
> Emails to me indicate, they are not happy with my efforts to rid
> eBay of their illegal, splatter generating amplifiers. 
>  Is there any support for making this a forum for licensed hams
> only?


> 73, Roger
> _

Gary  K4FMX

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