[Amps] TL922A and AL80A

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Wed Mar 19 19:30:46 EST 2003

> **  When a single 3-500Z is driven by 100w, IMD is not good.

You guys keep arguing about whether a single 3-500z can be run
linearly at 550mA anode current in SSB service. Has anyone
actually measured the difference in IMD for a single tube run
at 400mA and 550mA? Has anyone actually measured the IMD
from an AL-80B at various levels of anode current? I am so
sick of hearing this stupid back and forth pissing contest argument
that I am tempted to go out and buy an AL-80B, the additional
test equipment I would need, and do the test myself :) Talk is
cheap - where is the test data?

73 de Mike, W4EF............................................................

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