[Amps] Hard-drive Dive

2 2 at vc.net
Mon Mar 24 07:27:24 EST 2003

>> >It sure had an effect on external "big bangs," band switch cooking, and 
>> fires.
>> **  a burned-band near the middle of a choke is usually from a vhf
>> parasite.
>All my choke fires have been HF related. 

**  This has been my experience too.

>Trying to use 5 band amp on
>a WARC band without dipping first.
**  VHF-resonance related hv-rf-choke fires are seen mainly in Henry 
Radio 2, 3-500Z amplifiers such as the 3K-A, 2K-4, 2K-3 ... ... .  A 
resonance near 95MHz appears to be the problem.  

>> >IMO, the average ham with little test equipment cannot tell if an event
>> >was VHF,HF,or DC related at first glance. Most of us treat symptoms rather
>> than the
>> >disease because we have no idea what the cause was
>> >.
>> **  measuring the resistance of R-sup is a clue.
>I have never had an R-sup problem as all of mine are Carborundum units.
**  The tradeoff with Carborundum/Globar ®  units is that they have a bit 
much intrinsic L for optimal VHF suppression service.  To explain:  To 
exhibit good suppression, the inductances of the R and the L paths need 
to widely different.

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 

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