[Amps] Ameritron QSK-5PC replacement Fuse Lamps

Phil Clements philk5pc at tyler.net
Sat Mar 29 14:29:17 EST 2003

> > Anyone know if any old 100ma Ratshack variety lamps
> >.will work in  this thing?
> Hi Grant,
> Yes,  I put in RS screw in lamp bases,  and am using
> ONE RS #40 Screw-Base Lamp,  not two of them.
> RS part #272-1128A.  Tom,  W8JI who designed the
> -5 for Ameritron didn't exactly approve of what I did,
> but it works.  Now that you have the timing proper,
> you ought not to have another problem.  But I have
> a couple of packs of spare bulbs,  just in case,  hi.
> Changing bulbs is real fast with the screw in bases.
> 73,  Jim  KH7M

Great info, Jim!
I have printed out your post and inserted it in my QSK-5
manual. No bulb problems here yet, but RS is just down the
road in case I ever need to change them.

Phil, K5PC

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