[Amps] Mil Connector Source

Bill Coleman N2BC n2bc at stny.rr.com
Mon May 5 16:54:06 EDT 2003

My apologies for posting this to a bunch of places, but I think it's worth busting a rule or two.

If you are in need of "Military Style" connectors, try:

William Perry Co.
702 Beechwood Road
Louisville, KY  40207

I needed a bunch of connectors for a Harris amp & Mr. Perry had them all at very reasonable $$. 

But be prepared for a SURPRISE.  They insisted on sending the connectors to make sure they were correct BEFORE I paid for them.  And, they only want your personal check or an MO when they finally get around to taking your $$ (no plastic).

I'm not sure what range of products they have and they have no internet site or email. I have no interest in the company other than being a very satisfied and pleasantly surprised customer.

Best 73, Bill
Bill Coleman    N2BC

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