[Amps] SELL: Drake L4B Chassis (partial) w/Meters & Pwr Switch

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Mon May 26 13:09:58 EDT 2003

Offering the L4B Amplifier chassis with the following OEM components
installed with all wiring intact.  All in perfect  condition. The chassis
has no bangs, dents, dings, or rust. Many difficult to locate spare
components for your inventory. 

a. near mint dual meters (plate/multi-meter) with side light
assemblies(installed and with all wiring) 
b. bifilar feed thru capacitors
c. female antenna relay socket
d. ALC socket
e. two (2) SO-239's
f. antenna relay rectifier terminal strip w/components installed and
g. Front panel dual rocker switches (both tested and in perfect
h. mullti meter selector switch with PC meter board installed and wired
i. chimney clamps
j. antenna tune capacitor vernier drive
K. HV interlock assembly
l. Relative output PC board with all components. All full length wiring
in place .
j. HV dropping resistors (in sleeve) plus bracket 

$175 + shipping  Ron W2CQM/3

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