[Amps] Gonset GSB-201 bandswitch

2 2 at vc.net
Fri May 30 05:49:43 EDT 2003

>Hi Rich;
>Looks like the contacts were burned by RF and are no longer there.  Would 
>like to find new wafers of maybe  some way to replace the contacts? 

€  The toasted BS contacts can be removed by drilling out the rivets.  New contacts can be fastened in with #0-80 screws.  If the 10m and/or 15m contacts are burned, the most likely cause was an intermittent parasite.  To prevent an encore, decrease the Q of the VHF parasitic suppressors.

> This is 
>not the most robust switch I have seen switching RF and it could do with 

€  There is an adequate breakdown-V safety factor considering the anode-V used in the 201.

>I am waiting for manuel , hope to get it in the next week or 
>so then I can tell more about what is gone.
€  I can e-mail you a JPG of the diagram if you want.

cheers, Mike

Rich, AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.vcnet.com/measures

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