[Amps] SB220

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Tue Nov 4 09:34:33 EST 2003

At 09:46 AM 11/4/03 +0000, ka1xo at juno.com wrote:
>However, there's a website and there's a Mr. Measures around this
>forum who has studied much of the mods on '220's and may offer
>good ideas.

However, one of the things Mr. Measures discovered is that the filament 
transformer supplied with the SB-220 has its own current limiting built in, 
so there is nO need for an inrush limiter.

The only thing I've had trouble with on my completely stock SB-220 was the 
T/R relay, which is a little slow for modern transceivers.  I finally 
replaced it with vacuum relay QSK.  AG6K (Measures') web site has a lot of 
good info.  I don't buy his recommendations about parasitics -- my amp is 
unconditionally stable -- but otherwise he's pretty sound.

73, Pete N4ZR
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