[Amps] SB220

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Nov 5 08:15:14 EST 2003

At 04:57 AM 11/5/03 -0800, R.Measures wrote:
>***  "This ship is unsinkable".   "This amplifier is unconditionally
>--  Wait 'till Pete installs a  new pair of tubes.

Been there, done that, NOS Eimacs.  No change.  I agree with Rich that 
unconditionally stable is an overstatement -- I probably should have said 
"I've never made it oscillate, and I have tried."

I do think that initial build quality probably has a lot to do with 
people's experience with these amps -- a couple of cold solder joints in 
the wrong places could make a big difference.

73, Pete N4ZR
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