[Amps] Anyone ever use a 6C21?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Wed Nov 5 04:57:30 EST 2003

A 450TH should do OK in g-g linear service, however, since the Mu is only 
38, power gain should be only c. 6 or 7.  Thus, it would probably take 
200w to drive one to the speed limit.  If I were going to use a 450TH for 
a SSB linear, I would use more than the rated 6kVDC to supply the anode,  
Sine the AM/plate-mod. rating is 4500VDC, - which is 9000V-peak - an 
8000V-no load supply should do well for SSB - provided the 450TH is tuned 
up with dits or pulses in order to avoid melting holes in the tantalum 
--  If the Mu of a 6C21 is >30, a SSB-amp using one should be possible.

>Anyone ever build an amp with a 6C21? It is supposed to be similar to a 
>de KA4JVY
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