[Amps] Anyone ever use a 6C21?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Thu Nov 6 19:51:55 EST 2003

>> ***  A triode with a Mu of 38 is OK for linear service, but only in g-g
>> configuration, However, the drive requirement would be higher than it
>> would be for high-Mu tubes.
>That's interesting, Rich.
>Previously, you mentioned a plate voltage of something on the order of 8 KV
>for linear service.  I'm thinking that the 6C21/450 would be a "fun" 160M
>only amp.

**  It should work on higher bands too.  
>Given that I do have sufficient drive, what do you suppose the power out
>would/could be with 8 KV on the plate?

**  Probably c. 1.5kW PEP out  with 200w drive.  However, if more drive 
is available, c. 2800w PEP should be possible (8kV at 600mA in x 60% 
eff., tuning pulser tuneup).  
-- The most VHF-stable design for a 450TH in g-g is to submount the 
socket in order to move the grid lead close to the chassis. 
- I have a socket if u need one. 
--   If I were building such an amplifier, I would use one  fan above the 
chassis and one fan below the chassis to cool the envelope.  Also, with a 
tube this old, an initial gas check with a high-potential tester might be 
a good idea.

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