[Amps] SB220 vote

Vic Rosenthal vic at rakefet.com
Fri Nov 7 12:33:10 EST 2003

Steven Grant W4IIV wrote:
> does it matter Rich?   to me the single 3-500Z amps today are junk.
> (junque for the higher classes)  my data tells me that at 3,000
> volts, the max plate current should be 370-400 ma and get 750 watts
> out of it....how can these amps be linear?????

Unfortunately, the ARRL lab doesn't seem to have tested the Ameritron 
AL80B (or any of the AL80 series), but the specs call for -35 db or 
better 3rd order IMD.  This is the same spec as the Alpha 87.  -35 db is 
better than most transceivers:  the ARRL lab measured -31 db from the 
Yaesu FT1000-MP Mark V Field in its normal mode, and -40 db in its 
special class-A low distortion mode.

I think the AL80 series is as clean as most modern amplifiers.


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