[Amps] L-7 Failure, HV fuses
Pat Barthelow
aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 16 14:55:06 EST 2003
Re HV fuses:
I have seen in the literature descriptions of a HV fuse made by inserting
into the B+ line, a 30 guage Cu wire approx 2" long. suspended between
two ceramic standoffs in the amp. Would that function as a near
instantaneous HV fuse. protecting the tube in the event of a heavy current
HV fault?
73, de Pat aa6eg at hotmail.com
>From: "Jeffrey Madore" <K1LE at ARRL.NET>
(except in the case of "current limiting fuses" which open and
>quench the arc very fast, but are quite expensive.)
It would seem to me that a high voltage fuse located after the filter C, and
>in series with an appropriate glitch R, would provide increased protection,
>even more so if the filter C is large in capacity. Is this reasonable /
>Jeff - K1LE - CT ><>
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