[Amps] Care and Feeding of Power Grid Tubes, 5th Edition now

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL kgrimm at adelphia.net
Wed Nov 19 07:02:45 EST 2003

> The 5th Edition of this venerable work has been released, dated Aug
> 2003; I just got mine from CPI/Eimac, hand delivered by the marketing
> manager and VP engineering today on their visit today.
> It is more comprehensive having explanations with bigger tubes, up to
> IOTs and multiphase cooled tetrodes with pyrolytic graphite grids.
> Looks like a lot of work went into this, and it well may be the last
> 'bible' of power grid tube techniques to be printed.
> John

It's worth pointing out, again, that the book is available in Adobe PDF
format and can be downloaded from the Eimac web site:

 Ken K4XL
k4xl at arrl.net
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