[Amps] slow down circuits for 240v blower

Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC mike.tubby at thorcom.co.uk
Wed Nov 19 13:47:22 EST 2003

The trick that I use is a "motor run" capacitor in series - typical
values are 1-15uF 440VAC rated. You can use a single cap or
more than one if you want more than two speeds and switch
across them.

On one of my big amps I have an Airflow 45CTL with a 6u8
in series on receive, when on TX its shorted out by a relay operated
from the PTT line. The relay is controlled from a simple timing circuit
(FET/diode/capacitor/resistor) so that it remains on full power blow
for about 10s after PTT is released to remove most of the excess
heat from the 4CX1000A after which it drops back to a more
acceptable level for the shack (or tent, when contesting).


> How about a diode switched in series with the AC line for the "quiet
> I have used that in the past, did not slow down the blower as much as you
> would suspect, but did the job!  73  - Mark, AA6DX
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Neil Carr G0JHC" <g0jhc at blueyonder.co.uk>
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 10:47 PM
> Subject: [Amps] slow down circuits for 240v blower
> I'm wanting to fit a front panel control  on my latest amp project which
> will allow me to reduce the speed (and noise) of my EBM blower, (G2E-140)
> especially during long periods in receive.
> This doesn't have to be anything clever that monitors temp or slows
> down/speeds-up when keying/unkeying the amp (but I would consider
> if simple to construct), But nothing more than an inductive control. I
> of course already made the mistake of trying a number of off the shelf
> hold items (that were resistive, silly me), and also have a 240v ceiling
> control board, which for some reason, although works fine, produces a
> hum on the motor? My simple  varibale Variac does a great job.
> Whats out there please!?  or how do i get rid of the hum on ( a number of
> fan speed controls I've tried)
> Any guidance appreciated.
> 73 Neil G0JHC
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