[Amps] 3-PH

Svante Nordenstrom sm3dyu at ji-net.com
Wed Nov 19 20:20:31 EST 2003

They use all 3 phases up to the distribution board and then the house
outlets are equally divided between the 3 phases to give a reasonably even
load on the system. The stowe and other big consumers are fed 3 phase
direct. Just about all "mainland" EU houses are set up this way and that
gives the owner the advantage of choosing 3PH where it's needed. The meters
are always 3PH. This goes for single houses, not for apartments where each
apartment has it's own single ph meter.

Sorry to say, here in Thailand the situation is not so well planned. We have
a 24KV distribution network  even in the city and then "pole-pigs" for the
220V. This means just about every single house have a 24KV line along the
street. The QRN level can easily be understood with palm leaves and other
stuff hanging over the 24KV lines..
High towers are required to get well above the powerlines.


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