[Amps] Benefits of 3-phase power?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Wed Nov 19 07:12:45 EST 2003

>On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 18:46:50 -0800, "Bert Almemo"
><balmemo at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>>Some basic facts about 3 phase....  Most of the electric power in the world
>>is 3 phase.  The concept was originally conceived by Nikola Tesla and was
>>proven that 3 phase was far superior to single phase power.
>Nearly all of the cross-country transmission lines in the US are three
>phase.  Only when it gets down to the neighborhood level do they go to
>single phase.
>As to three phase being "far superior" I'm not so sure, at least for
>home use at low to moderate power levels.  I've never been to Europe
>so I lack first hand information, but all the various power plugs I've
>seen for European home use (and there are LOTS of variations) were all
>single phase.  So how do they use three phase in houses in Europe?
**  Small stuff runs on 230v single-phase, big stuff runs on 400v 

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