[Amps] Maximum tolerable SWR for dual 3-500Z amps

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Nov 21 07:46:20 EST 2003

At 07:05 AM 11/20/03 -0800, Joe Isabella wrote:
>I've done it with coax, so I know it works -- just not the best 
>solution.  One last
>thing, you want to start on the high end of your loading C -- if you try 
>to start out with too
>little loading, you can get one of those nasty arcs (of course, that's 
>true regardless of the
>load's Z).

I second Joe's comment, but also think it's wise to be sure that the 
loading capacity required is within range -- that is, that you can tune for 
an output peak is within the range of the loading capacitor.  I routinely 
run my SB-220 into an 80-meter array, which is cut for the low end of the 
CW band, in the phone DX window at >3:1 SWR, but the loading capacitor is 
only a little over half-scale.

73, Pete N4ZR
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