[Amps] YC156 Tube Pros & Cons

Norman Hockler norsan at bright.net
Mon Nov 24 23:53:58 EST 2003


I have sold a lot of these tubes to hams and have not had any "bad" comments

This is not necessarily a tube for the beginner.
It likes a pv  of > 5kv
The tube has a high pout  (35pf) so care has to be taken if you want 10m or 
Components for the tank, etc are "heavy duty"
Its a big tube so the mechanical requirements will not lend itself to a 
"desk top" amp.


It has a high Mu so you can get a lot of power with < 100 watts of drive
No socket required
Reasonable filament requirement  ( 15v @ 15 a))
Tube cost is reasonable.

Good luck.

Norm  N8NH

At 07:48 AM 11/23/03 -0800, you wrote:
>I have for some time been "flirting" with the idea of building an amp using
>the YC156
>tube form EIMAC.  I understand this is a "MRI" version of the 3CPX5000???!!!
>Before I "dive in" with this project, I would appreciate any comments,
>or criticisms of the tube choice.
>Has any one had any negative experiences with this tube, or maybe some
>constructive advise?
>By the way, thanks to those of you who responded to my query earlier about
>element currents.  The multi-band portable "hamstick yagi" is up and running
>with excellent results so far!
>Jim Homer W6JNG
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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