[Amps] AL80 GI7B Conversion...

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Fri Oct 3 16:54:55 EDT 2003


I am going to modify my junkbox AL80 to use the Russian GI7B microwave
triode.   I've seen the W4EMF conversion page for the gla-1000.  I believe the
AL80 tank components have enough range to cover 160-10, with slight
modifications.   I'll be happy w/500 - 600w out.  

I'd like to run this on 6m also.  Rather than modify the bandswitch and tank, I
was thinking of putting a vacuum relay on the 
output, and switch in a completely different tank and output connector for 6m.
In addition, I'd put a relay-switched tuned input for 6.   

My question is:  Is this crazy?  Has anyone done it before?  Probably my
biggest challenge will be finding room for the 6m tank.  Should I ground the
HF Tank circuit when on 6, or leave it floating?

TIA & 73,

Gerry, W1VE

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