[Amps] TS430 and the 91b
Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL
kgrimm at adelphia.net
Fri Oct 10 10:44:04 EDT 2003
> Hi,
> Variable power TS430
> I would like to use my amp with my TS430. However it
> only requires 50Ws input. There is no control on the
> 430 to vary the power.
> I understand that something can be done with the
> external ALC and an external 9V source.
> Can you help please.
> How do you connect your 430 to your amp ?
> Thanks
> Robert
> G0HGW at yahoo.com
> PS I am suprised that this question has not already
> been asked, I have checked the archives and found nothing.
Several years ago, I was faced with the same problem using a Collins
KWM-380 to drive a tetrode that took very little drive. Since the
KWM-380 put out 100W, I needed to provide "artificial" ALC voltage to
reduce the output. I doubt that you will need 9 volts, I would start
out with a lower voltage and a variable resistor to adjust the negative
voltage to the ALC input on the 430. You might like to refer to the
diagram that you will find on BAMA. http://bama.sbc.edu/collins.htm
Just click on the link to KWM-380 pwr control. I used size N cells, but
of course that isn't critical. You are drawing a very small amount of
current and the batteries will last almost their normal shelf life.
Hope this helps.
Ken K4XL
k4xl at arrl.net
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