[Amps] Need Svetlana MLA conversion article for 4cx400a

Thomas Hix w4th at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 18 11:28:36 EDT 2003

Hello friends;

I need a copy of an article that was on the original Svetlana web 
site.....It had the complete instructions for a conversion from the MLA-2500 
8873 tubes to a pair of Svetlana 4cx400a tubes. There are several different 
articles on the MLA-2500 conversion, one version used a single 3cx800a7, 
another used a single 4cx800a, another used the pair of 4cx400a tubes. That 
is the one I need.....I would be happy to get a copy of all of these if it 
would not be too much trouble..........but the one that calls for the 2  
4cx400a tubes is the one I really need.
If any of you have this and can email it to me, or fax (256-593-0077) it to 
me.....I really would appreciate it very much. I had all of these pages 
saved into my favorites, but evidently the old Svetlana web site has been 
removed, so I lost the chance to copy the articles. I should have saved them 
a long time ago......but you know how it is.....put it off and put it off 
until you cant get it any more, and then go begging to the folks that had 
the good sense to get copies of the articles while they had the 
chance......oh well....no one ever said I was the brightest bulb in the 
Thanks in advance for your help.

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