[Amps] 813 INPUT CCT

Cliff Lindsay mail at clifflindsay.plus.com
Mon Oct 27 18:07:35 EST 2003

Hi all you experts, have been meaning for some time to upgrade the tuned 
input cct on my two 813’s in gg. Am going to try the cct by ZL1AXB using 
a copper coil with the wire inside paralleled with a 900pf or 
thereabouts air cap. Sure you have all seen it. Now if I put a nice 
graduated scale for the cap, to record the relevant tuning points, what 
is the best way to tune it. Am thinking of the explanation by Vic 
Rosenthal, strapping a resistor equal to the input impedance of the 
tubes across the cathode to ground.

So do I put a good SWR meter in between the solid state set and the 
linear and adjust the variable cap for min SWR on each band and mark off 
the points on a scale on the variable with the linear switched off ?. I 
have had the odd triple bi-pass and the memory is just not what it was.


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