[Amps] matched MOSFETs

Walter Muth wmuth at rbwelektronik.de
Fri Oct 31 08:10:44 EST 2003

Hi Steve,

Steve Thompson wrote::

>On Thursday 30 October 2003 10:25, Walter Muth wrote:
>>what would be the best parameters you can give to characterize a
>>"matched  pair " for a high power push-pull amp design ( lets think
>>about 600watts)
>>Vgs(th) and gfs ?
>Provide separate bias setting pots and there's no need to match Vgs
thats what we did on our old MRF150 amp....

>>What tolerances may be acceptable?
>+/- 10% on gm was a normal selection when I was on that side of things. If the 
>devices come from the same batch code, use separate bies adjusters and 
>there's probably no need to do any matching.
thats what a manufacturer told me ...



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