[Amps] pi-net programs

carl seyersdahl carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Oct 31 20:18:59 EST 2003

 I have been using the "Elmer wingfield " pi-net program in an attempt to
find some answers to some problems. I have compared the results of that
program and the info in the '97 arrl handbook and they do not compare at
 ( the ckts are for the output pi-net for tubes.) according to the info in
the book, the plate impedance of four EL509's in parallel seems to be in the
area of 600 ohms , due to the low plate v. and the hi current. (at least
that's the way I see it.)  The handbook starts at 1500..!!!
  Are there any other programs like Wingfield's that might be different or
better??  Inquiring mind.!!!!
    carl / kz5ca

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