[Amps] PS Theory ?

rlm r at somis.org
Mon Sep 1 07:41:14 EDT 2003

>rlm wrote:
>>***  Approximation formulae are given in:
>>The math is multification and division.
>Those really aren't approximation formulae. They are handy practical 
>rules of thumb that often will work... but sometimes won't.
>Please don't get me wrong on this. Anyone who is contemplating a 
>transmitter power supply ought to read Rich's page on the subject - see 
>above. By all means use Rich's rules of thumb to check the transformer 
>and other components that you're thinking of using... and if they don't 
>check out, then it's "STOP. WRONG WAY. GO BACK" and find other 
>But those rules of thumb still won't tell you exactly how those 
>components will perform in practice. The 'PSU Designer' program *will*
**  Ian -- Does the PSU Designer program have an entry for Mains 
Resistance?.  How does one measure this quantity?  Thanks.

>The kinds of power supplies we're talking about here in AMPS are big, 
>heavy and expensive. And when you build one, you are very literally 
>building it around the transformer. If that transformer isn't suitable, 
>you're almost certainly going to need a bigger one that will not fit 
>into the same space. That means you'll have to scrap the whole darn 
>project and start again. If the project is not only a power supply but a 
>complete desktop amplifier, then you've wasted even more time, money and 
>Having suffered exactly those disappointments in the past, it certainly 
>"cured me of my gambling ways" with transformers! I now want to be 
>absolutely sure it's going to work, before going out to the workshop. 
>That's why I so strongly recommend 'PSU Designer'.
>73 from Ian G3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
>                            Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
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