[Amps] Ameritron AL-1500

Wt8r at aol.com Wt8r at aol.com
Mon Sep 8 11:38:10 EDT 2003

In a message dated 9/8/03 8:49:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
wrt at dslextreme.com writes:

> I'm sure passing a 20-wpm code test would make Rick an expert on
> amplifiers, right?  Ham radio is for LEARNERS, not just for
> experienced engineers and technicians.  
> Lighten up.
> -- 
> Bill, W7TI

Extreme Bill ............ 
       I privately I wrote the clueless tech general an e-mail detailing all 
of the reasons not to modify an AL-1500 with a second 8877.

       I cautioned him about killing himself since obviously he doesn't have 
a clue !!!!!!!!!  What does he intend to do with a 6KW amplifier when he 
doesn't have the foggiest idea about it?  Is he going to put another K1MAN 
broadcast station on the air?  Is he considering running ILLEGAL power?  Maybe I coudl 
recommend a 5KW Gates commerical transmitter that he could put on the air.

       Are all you fine folk going to endorse his doing this for real?  And 
chastise me for his folly?  You people need to get a handle or stop smoking the 

       I'm sure there are many fine no-coders in ham radio but they shouldn't 
be encourgaged to illegal things nor should they all be painted with the 
broad brush of good guys.

       These moronic statements about CW have nothing to do with ham radio as 
the FCC has apparently decided so .......... isn't that right?  It isn't my 
deficit that they can't hack the code.

Dave, WT8R

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