[Amps] RE: Lubircation of Roller Inductors

rlm r at somis.org
Tue Sep 9 07:21:31 EDT 2003

>I would like to thank all the kind people who responded to my question 
>regarding the best lubricant for sliding contacts in an old EF Johnson 
>edge-wound roller inductor.  Molybdenum disulfide is the obvious winner 

***  what is the relative conductivity of moly disulphide?

>Applied as a slurry solution in a very light film application seems 
>to be the best choice.  Avoiding mineral or silicone oil carriers allows 
>for a dry-lubricating molecular film which does not attract dust.  

***  which, unless confined in an enclosure, readily falls off.  A little 
5w oil keeps the moly disulphide from falling off during adjustment.


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