[Amps] SELL: Radio Switch Bandswitches

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Thu Apr 8 08:52:08 EDT 2004

Offering bandswitches for the high power amplifier and antenna tuner

A. Porcelain Radio Switch DP8T bandswitch w/detents and lockouts for
positons no used. High current rating contacts. .   $95+ shipping/ins.
Can install two additional switch positions on each wafer for a DP10T 
application for $25 extra.

B. Radio Switch body for parts. $20+ shipping

C. New  high quality CRL 3P6T special purpose bandswitch with detents and
lockouts for positons not used. Can be configured for 1 pole 18 positions
for antenna tuner applications by tying  poles in series. High RF current
rating.  $35+ shipping

D. Radio Switch DP6T heavy duty detented bandswitch specifically designed
for double spacing between terminals for super HV applications. Detents
and lockouts are fixed and not adjustable. $65+ shipping  Ron W2CQM/3


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