[Amps] Looking for air variable capacitors

Dave Haupt emailw8nf at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 15 18:02:02 EDT 2004

I have a project going on and need a couple of
variable caps.  These once were standard Johson parts,
and I can buy them new from Cardwell, but the prices
are... well... I like my wife too much.

Would be pleased if someone's junk bo....er....
inventory of high quality components could cough up
the following:

1 - 20 to 250 pf, 3kV.
The OEM component was a Johnson 154-9-1, with 0.075"
air gap, overall capacitor size 2.5 X 2.5 X 5.5

1 - 20 to 1000 pf, 1.5kV
The OEM component was a Johnson 154-30-1, with a
0.030" air gap, overall capacitor size 2.5 X 2.5 X 6

These will be dropped into an existing amplifier,
which is presently configured for MRI work on heavy
nuclei at 8.7 Tesla (bandswitched from 14 to 60 MHz). 
So, regrettably, there ain't much room for bigger
bread slicers.

I've found reasonably-priced surplus sources for
everything else I need; these caps are the remaining

My grattitude (and some of my money) to whoever
dredges 'em up first.


Dave W8NF

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