[Amps] SELL: Heath SB220 Retrofitted/Dedicated 6m Amplifier

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Fri Apr 23 17:15:59 EDT 2004

Offering a personally crafted Heath SB220 6m retrofitted and dedicated
1200 OUTPUT amplifier. Unit runs a matched pair of Eimac 3-500z's.
Recapped with 470 at 450 Nichicon filter capacitors and HD bleeders.
Reconfigured 12VDC antenna relay circuit accommodates all solid state
exciter antenna switching.  Appears OEM Heath except a front panel
T-match control, for perfect 1:1 input SWR, replaces the bandswitch.
Broad banded tank circuit allows for 1mHz excursions w/o retuning. Front
panel clean except (unfortunately)  for some Dymo label glue residue near
the cw/swr switch. Operates on 220VAC. Cabinet clean with no bangs,
dents, or dings. $725 ($625 no tubes) PU only in the Scranton, Pa or New
York City areas. (Perhaps Dayton??) Ron W2CQM/3 


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