[Amps] 5KW Dummy Load Project

Gary K9GS GaryK9GS at wi.rr.com
Wed Apr 28 23:01:34 EDT 2004

Great idea Ron!  I have a couple of ideas for improvements for anyone
contemplating building one.

1)  5 gallon buckets are very commonly available made from steel.  It would
eliminate having to line the plastic bucket with aluminum foil and would
probably provide better shielding.  Plus you wouldn't have to machine a
separate plate for the cover either.

2)  I would think it would be relatively easy to find a small pump of some
type to circulate the cooling oil.  Perhaps something for an aquarium?

3)  I'd add a simple temperature circuit to monitor coolant temperature.


  Gary Schwartz           email: k9gs at arrl.net
  Check out K9NS on the web    http://www.qsl.net/k9ns/
  Society of Midwest Contesters (SMC)     GMDXA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <w2cqm at juno.com>
To: <Amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 02:30 PM
Subject: [Amps] 5KW Dummy Load Project

> Thought  some bug gun amplifier builders would be interested in a
> recently completed and relatively inexpensive  5KW++ dummy load. click on
> the  site listed below and select 5KW Dummy Load project. I've included
> annotations to the digitals for replication purposes.    Ron W2CQM/3
> http://briefcase.yahoo.com/W2CQMron
> Epilogue: visit  www.QRZ.COM/W2CQM for a listing of the  most recent
> articles authored by  W2CQM.
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