[Amps] Amplifier Surplus Parts & Tubes

Harold B. Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Wed Aug 18 12:25:38 EDT 2004


The following source, <<  http://www.economyelectronic.com >>
has a huge supply of high power RF parts including fixed & variable
vacuum capacitors, oil-filled caps, xfmrs, chokes, RF switches
and just about everything needed when fabricating QRO

Their main market is Broadcast, but they are happy in dealing
with amateurs and are willing to lend technical support
because they also repair and maintain commercial installations.

They also offer a source for transmitting tubes; NIB, NOS, pulls,
and also offer a rebuilding service that now includes 8877's.

Their telephone number is (501) 676 - 3234, and they are
located in Arkansas.

Hal Mandel

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