[Amps] RF exposure limits in reality

Vic Rosenthal vic at rakefet.com
Wed Aug 18 14:21:55 EDT 2004

jsb at digistar.com wrote:

> Does anyone have any information as to "real life" exposure limits for
> adults, children and newborns at various frequencies?  I've seen the
> generic exposure limit ratings that the FCC publishes for dipoles but was
> wondering if there were some figures that clearly state the minimum safe
> distance for various frequencies and power levels.

There's a useful calculator at <http://n5xu.ae.utexas.edu/rfsafety/> 
that will help you determine if you are in compliance with FCC regulations.

Having said that, I believe that the standards for RF safety at HF are 
ridiculous -- FAR too restrictive.  I have NEVER seen an actual report 
of anyone being harmed by radiated HF RF (microwaves are a different 
matter), or any studies demonstrating that HF RF -- even at 'amps 
subscriber power levels' -- is in the slightest bit dangerous.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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