[Amps] Centurion cooling improvement ideas for AM service

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 25 13:16:00 EDT 2004

<<Joe -- 3kHz wide at how many db down?>>


I'm not sure what the answer is but here's the proposal:


<<< I have heard AM transmissions from amateur radio operators that
droned on and on for over 20 minutes,  One wonders when such operators
will start taking on-the-air telephone calls from short-wave listeners?
  CDs of such sessions could be sold over the counter at drug stores as
a potent sleep-aid.>>>

Maybe an advantage of running a SSB amp on AM is that droning on,
which I find intolerable and a real qso killer, will not be possible.
I'm not sure what the attraction of the monolog AM m.o.
is, but it must be a lifestyle thing.  The exciter amp combo
allows for quick T/R to avoid Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


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