[Amps] Centurion cooling improvement ideas for AM service

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 26 19:13:03 EDT 2004

--- "Steven Grant, W4IIV" <stevengrant98 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>the reason they are doing this is because some folks love to have very 
>bassey audio. thier egos
>say that they must have broadcast quality audio.
>i dont think they will do away with AM or 10m FM
>i do believe that they need to limit SSB widths cause some of these 
>"morons" insist on taking up
>bandwidth with a 5kc wide SSB signal
>steven,   W4IIV

Steve,  What has this got to do with amps?

What do you know about egos?  Do you have one?

What's wrong with broadcast quality audio?

Do you have to have crappy audio to be a good ham?

If so, then CW ops must be the greatest hams  --  they have no audio at all!

What do you know about morons?  Can you guess what my next question is?


Don't like bass?  A.  Keep tuning or B. Get a rig with adj. bandwidth or C. 
Adjust ur carrier set point.

Don't like color tv?  Get a b&w set.  same thing, or do you want the tv 
station to drop color for you?

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